• Product Name: The actual name of the Product that will be displayed on Line Items and the Order Schedule. 
  • Product Code: A short code used to identify the product.  Often referred to as a "SKU"
  • Product Family: This is the family or “grouping” of the product that helps identify which “Type” of product it is. 
  • Product Description: A long text description that provides more details on the product. This is displayed on the Order Schedule.
  • Recurring: Designates if this product recurs and is always expected to be renewed.
  • Active: A binary value if the product is currently in use or not. Unit of Measure: Describes how we measure the quantity of the product.
  • Maps to: If this product has been replaced, this lookup will point to the new product that has replaced it.
  • Product Grouping: Designates the Group this product will be displayed on the Order Schedule.
  • Exclude Percentage Calculation: If checked, this will exclude this product from being added to percentage based calculations.
  • Measure Value: Used to calculate the measure of the Product in reports. For example, if you sell groups of users, and the Quantity is one, but the product is 10 users, you would enter 10. If the Measure is equal to the Quantity, simply enter 1.