• Default Discount: The default Discount this item will have when added to the quote.
  • Default Quantity: The default Quantity this item will have when added to the quote.
  • Default Term: The default Term (months) this item will have when added to the quote.
  • Lock Item: Check this box to lock the users from updating the Quantity or term from the "default" values.
  • Light Item: Check this box if you would like to allow this product to be removed when a Bundle is added in the Quote screen.
  • Relative Start: This numeric value is used to offset the start date of a single line item. See the "Use Cases" section in the Bundles Category for more information on how to use this. 
  • Main Product: This designates the "main" or "master" product in the Bundle. If checked, this products details (Quantity) will be shown on the Order Schedule when "Show as Single Line" is selected. If any attributes like Discount are tied to the main product, it will pull from here as well.
  • Percentage Override: If the Bundle Item's product is a Percentage Based product, you can use this field to override the Percentage when used in a Bundle.
  • Hide Quantity: When checked, this will show "Included" on the Order Form instead of the Bundle Item's price.
  • Apply Master Discount: When checked and a Main Product is also set, it will inherit the Main Product's discount. The Bundle Item's discount will be locked and can only be applied from the Main product.
  • Add to Renewal: If checked for non-recurring products, it will add the non-recurring product to the Future Renewal and keep it tied to the Bundle.
  • Percent Of: If set to Bundle Only, a percentage based product will only calculate against other relevant bundle items.

NOTE: Relative Start only works for New Business Opportunities. If the Term + Relative Start is greater than the Term of the Opp, it will default the Term and Subscription Dates to match the Opportunity.