About Future Renewals

Future Renewals are one of the most important pieces of Renewal Management. They house all products and values for forecasting and churn measurement.

When a Future Renewal is created, it also creates three separate Quotes attached to the Renewal Opportunity. Each Quote plays an important part for Reps that manage the Renewal Opportunities as well as Management that needs the measurement.

The three types of Quotes attached to the Future Renewal are:

  • Baseline Quote: The Baseline Quote keeps all Baseline Values and Products to expected during the next Renewal. This Quote is updated by the Renewal Refresher on a nightly basis and cannot be edited. The Expected Values are rolled up to the Renewal Opportunity.
  • Initial Renewal Quote: This is a snapshot of all products when the initial Renewal is created. It is editable and is captured to show a point in time picture of what was first expected for the Renewal.
  • Uplifted Quote: If you have selected an uplift percentage for products, this Quote will contain the products at the uplifted value. Learn more about Uplifted Renewals here.

NOTE: Reps should use the "Clone" button on the Baseline Quote to create a copy of all expected products. This can be used to generate a proposal for the Customer with all expected values.