About Partner Discounts

  • The application includes the ability to calculate an additional Partner Discount at each line. There is also a secondary process for those who wish to calculate a single line for the Partner Discount. Use the table below to figure out the best way to capture your Partner Discount.

Each Line ItemA Single Line ItemDocumentation
Can automatically default the Discount based on a Partner Account Field (Single Value)X
Current Article
Can automatically default the Discount based on a Partner Account Matrix of ValuesXXCurrent Article
Calculates from a Percentage of Total Items
XView this article
Conditionally Displays based on Quote TypeXXCurrent Article / View this article


This process will walk you through setting up the Partner Discount based off the Partner Account tied to your Quote/Opportunity. 

Browse to the TYSO Setup Tab and find the "Mappings" tab, and find the "Account Mappings" section. There will be two inputs called "Partner Discount Criteria" and "Partner Discount Field".

Account Field Criteria: This field will need to be on the Account and be one of the following types: Number, or Percent.
Partner Discounts Criteria: This field will need to be on the Quote or Quote Line Item objects, and return the criteria you want to match. For example, a formula field that returns such text "Standard" or "Registered" based on the deal type for a Quote. It could also return text such as "Subscription" or "Services" if you wanted to apply discounts to a Subscription or Services Product Family line item.

Before we proceed, you'll need to decide if 1.) you want a single value for the Partner, or 2.) if there is a matrix of values based on criteria from the Quote and associated line items. Select the following based on your needs:

Select the Partner Discount Criteria:

  • Account Field: Uses a single field on the Partner Account.
  • Partner Discounts: Uses a matrix of discounts setup with the "Partner Discounts" object on the Partner Account.

Account Field

If you selected "Account Field", select the appropriate field in the "Partner Discount Field" that is prefixed with "Account-". Click "Save" to commit your changes.

Once you ensure that the appropriate Partner Accounts have a value in the field you selected, you're ready to automatically apply the partner discount.

Partner Discounts

If you have selected "Partner Discounts", select the appropriate field in the "Partner Discount Field" that is prefixed with "Quote-" or "QuoteLineItem-" Click "Save" to commit your changes.  If the field does not exist, please see the notes about the field in the beginning of this article.

Setting up a matrix of Discounts on Partner Accounts

Example 1: Quote Criteria that will apply to all items

Browse to the Partner Account you would like to add a Discount to, and click "New". Setup a record with the appropriate discount value, and set the criteria as "Default". This will be used when no other criteria matches, or if they only have a single value.

Next, add any additional values. The below example would be active when the Quote criteria = "Registered Opportunity".

Repeat for all of your Partner Accounts, or load the data with your favorite data loading tool into the tysoxrr__Partner_Discounts__c custom object.

Example 2: Quote Line Criteria that will apply to all items

Please note that for Quote Line Criteria, the only field options are:

  • Product Family
  • Product Code
  • Bundle Item ID
  • Configuration ID
  • Type
  • Unit of Measure

Currently, you can only utilize one field for the criteria at a time. For example, if you select "Product Family", all of your quote line criteria would be based off this field.

The example below would calculate a different discount for Subscription vs Services lines. Since no "Default" was set, if a product does not match, it would not automatically inherit a discount.


To use the Partner Discount with the "Each Line Item" method, follow these steps.

  1. Create a Quote
  2. Select "Channel End User" from the Quote Type drop down.

  3. Click "Add/Edit Products".
  4. The "Partner Discount" Field will now be shown on the Quote Line Editor:

NOTE: The Partner Discount (or Margin) will always calculate after the End User Totals are calculated.

Alternate Methods

To setup the Partner Discount using the "A Single Line Item" method, follow the Percentage product documentation.