If included in your template, the Order Schedule signature blocks can automatically include DocuSign and Adobe sign tags for two signers.

When you've selected DocuSign tags, the following fields are applied:

Left Signature Block
Right Signature Block
  • s1 (Signature 1)
  • n1 (Name 1)
  • t1 (Title 1)
  • d1 (Date 1)

  • s2 (Signature 2)
  • n2 (Name 2)
  • t2 (Title 2)
  • d2 (Date 2)

When you've selected AdobeSign tags, the following fields are applied:

Left Signature Block
Right Signature Block
  • {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} (Signature 1)

  • {{N_es_:signer1:fullname}} (Full Name 1)

  • {{*Title_es_:signer1}} (Title 1)

  • {{Dte_es_:signer1:date}} (Date 1)
  • {{Sig_es_:signer2:signature}} (Signature 2)
  • {{N_es_:signer2:fullname}} (Full Name 2)

  • {{*Title_es_:signer2}} (Title 2)

  • {{Dte_es_:signer2:date}} (Date 2)