Bundles can be permissioned for specific users, profiles or groups using the standard Salesforce Sharing and access controls.
There are a couple of ways users can be allowed to quote ALL bundles:
- Set the "Organization-Wide Default" for the Bundle Object to "Read".
- Set the Object Permissions in the user profile or permission set to "View All"
In the event you'll only want certain users to access specific bundles, please follow these steps:
- Ensure the "Organization-Wide Default" for the Bundle Object is "Private" (Salesforce documentation on Org Wide Defaults: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=admin_sharing.htm&type=5)
- Browse to the Bundle Sharing Rules section of your Organization Sharing
- Click "New"
- Use the Sharing Criteria to share the Bundle with your users. Below is an example of sharing a Proof of Concept bundle with users in a VP Role. We use values on the Bundle to share the record.