Bundles can be permissioned for specific users, profiles or groups using the standard Salesforce Sharing and access controls.

There are a couple of ways users can be allowed to quote ALL bundles:

  1. Set the "Organization-Wide Default" for the Bundle Object to "Read".
  2. Set the Object Permissions in the user profile or permission set to "View All"

In the event you'll only want certain users to access specific bundles, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure the "Organization-Wide Default" for the Bundle Object is "Private" (Salesforce documentation on Org Wide Defaults: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=admin_sharing.htm&type=5)
  • Browse to the Bundle Sharing Rules section of your Organization Sharing
  • Click "New"
  • Use the Sharing Criteria to share the Bundle with your users. Below is an example of sharing a Proof of Concept bundle with users in a VP Role. We use values on the Bundle to share the record.