Our automation engine includes the ability to rollup a list of products into a single field on the related Account record. This field will contain a list of all active products within the Account. The products will be updated whenever the Subscription Products job runs and will use a designated field from the Product object to rollup.

Choose the field you would like to rollup the values into on the Account object. The field must be a String type field (text, text area, multi-picklist). If the field is a multi-picklist, ensure that the field is not restricted to values only in the picklist.

  • Browse to the TYSO Setup Tab
  • Select the Automation sub-tab
  • Browse to the Account Section
  • Set the field mappings.
    • Account Product Aggregation field: This is the destination field on the Account that the data will be placed into.
    • Product Field to Populate on the Accounts: This is the field that the data will be pulled from the Product. Such as the Product Code, Name, or some other custom field.