Blended tiers allow you to calculate a price using multiple tier levels and blending the Per Unit Prices into one sales price.

Product Setup Requirements:

  • Quantity Type must be set as "Block Quantity"
  • Product "Has Tier" set to True

Pricebook Setup Requirements:

  • Blended Tier set to True

Tier Setup Requirements:

  • Tier values should use a Fixed Price, but do not need to be set as a Block Tier


  • These items do not have an individual Price Per Unit at the Product Level. They will always be quantity 1, and a Sales Price equal to the Per Unit Price
  • The calculations used can be stored at the Quote Line Level in a JSON format if a field called "Debug_Calculations__c" exists.

Debug Calculations Field requirement:

  • Type: Text
  • Length: Long Text Area(32768) is recommended 

Example Usage:

Let's say the customer has two tiers, the first band is $45 er unit up to 50, and the next is $50 for 100+

100 * $50.00 * term = Price of $5000.00

50 * $45.00 * term = Price of $2250.00

Final Price for that one product =$7250.00

An Example JSON output:
