The Process Records Utility allows you to run TYSO Automations in mass for the following processes using Reports:

  • Booking Records
  • Refresh Renewals
  • Create Historical Transaction Analysis & Bookings
  • Create / Refresh Subscription Products

To Access the utility, you'll need to manually enter the URL and replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your domain name.

Select a process to run from the dropdown, and then select "Report" for your source of records. The utility will let you know what type of Object and ID of that object needs to be in the report.

In the example below, the report needs to have ID values for the Opportunities we intend to book.

Once the report is selected, click the "Check Records" button. The screen will now display the # of records it will attempt to run against.

Next, click "Run" and the batch status will be shown for the job.

The following matrix lists the objects used by Process:

ProcessReport Type with ID of this Object
Book Records
Refresh RenewalsAccounts
Refresh Subscription ProductsAccounts
Create Subscription ProductsOpportunities
Transaction AnalysisOpportunities
Create BookingsOpportunities