Subscription Start Date cascading allows you to modify the start date of the Opportunity, Synced Quote and all associated line items when the Opportunity is moved to closed one.

The start dates will change using a field you select in the setup screen called "Subscription Start Cascading Field". This is a field that must be filled in on the Opportunity when it is moved to a Closed Won stage. A common use case for this is when you want the Start Date to be the effective date an Order is signed, or Booked, not what was quoted.

NOTE: This will only change dates on New Business, Add-on Paths, or Co-termed records. Renewals are NOT changed.

To setup:

Browse to the "TYSO Setup" tab. Find the "Automation" subtab. Mark the "Subscription Start Cascading" checkbox as "True" and then select your Opportunity date field in the "Subscription Start Cascading Field" . Don't forget to Save your settings.

How it works:

With the attributes enabled and when an Opportunity is moved to Closed Won, it will check that the designated field is populated on the record AND that there is a synced Quote. If so, it will send the record for processing.

All start dates will be moved a relative number of days. 

Example 1

Let's say you had an Opportunity with the following dates (and you use the "Book Date" field as your cascading field).

Opportunity Start: 2/25/2022

Opportunity Term: 12 months

Opportunity End: 2/24/2023

Book Date: 2/15/2022

The dates will be adjusted to:

Opportunity Start: 2/15/2022

Opportunity Term: 12 months

Opportunity End: 2/14/2023

(The synced Quote Record and all line items will follow the same pattern)

Example 2

Let's say you had an Opportunity with the following dates (and you use the "Book Date" field as your cascading field). You also have segmented lines attached. For simplification, we only show the example of the Opportunity and Opportunity line items in the results here.

Opportunity Start: 2/25/2022

Opportunity Term: 24 months

Opportunity End: 2/24/2024

Book Date: 2/2/2022

OLI1 Start: 2/25/2022

OLI1 Term: 12 months

OLI1 End: 2/24/2023

OLI2 Start: 2/25/2023

OLI2 Term: 12 months

OLI2 End: 2/24/2024

The dates will be adjusted to:

Opportunity Start: 2/2/2022

Opportunity Term: 12 months

Opportunity End: 2/1/2024

OLI1 Start: 2/2/2022

OLI1 Term: 12 months

OLI1 End: 2/1/2023

OLI2 Start: 2/2/2023

OLI2 Term: 12 months

OLI2 End: 2/1/2024

(The synced Quote Record and all line items will follow the same pattern)

While attributes were available through custom metadata, the setup screens and field option is only available in version 13.0+