The Advanced Order Form templates can generate clean HTML markup using the TYSO markup values in your custom blocks of text.

The following elements are supported in dynamic elements:

  • OL
  • LI
  • UL
  • P
  • DIV
  • SPAN


ElementTYSO ElementOpening Element Replaced withClosing Element Replaced with
OL[[tyso-ol]] or [[/tyso-ol]]<ol></ol>
LI[[tyso-li]] or [[/tyso-li]]
UL[[tyso-ul]] or [[/tyso-ul]]
P[[tyso-p]] or [[/tyso-ol]]
DIV[[tyso-div]] or [[/tyso-div]]
SPAN[[tyso-span]] or [[/tyso-span]]

In addition, markup can be hidden using the following tags inside a style element:




[[tyso-p style="{!IF(Quote.Show_Me__c,[[tyso-show]],[[tyso-hide]])}"]] Is this P element shown? [[/tyso-p]]