BETA In Winter 2023 (13.55+) Scheduled Jobs metadata was introduced to allow flexibility of storing data and attributes for all of the TYSO Scheduled Jobs.
The list of scheduled jobs includes:
- Auto Renew / Auto Book Opps
- Subscription Product Statistics
- Renewal Refresher
- Customer Status Updates
Scheduled job data can be found in the Custom Metadata object called "tysoxrr__ScheduledJob__mdt"
Fields Included are:
- tysoxrr__Active__c (FUTURE)
- tysoxrr__Batch_Size__c (FUTURE)
- tysoxrr__Cron_String__c: Defines the "Cron" string used to schedule the job.
- tysoxrr__Job_Type__c: the Name of the job.
- tysoxrr__Run_All__c (FUTURE)